This page contains development related documentation for the SIM-VICUS project.

User docs are found on the webpage:

Source code is hosted on GitHub:

Developer documentation

The following documentation is automatically generated with Asciidoctor.

The input adoc-files for above documentation are in the doc directory. You can update the documentation by running the script. Also check for correct references by running the script.

Info for authors

WARNING: Do not modify the generated documentation in the docs directory, as all changes there will be lost when the documentation is updated next.

NOTE: avoid frequently committing updated PDF documentation to the gitrepo, as these binary files have to be stored entirely (no diff possible) and would quickly cause the git repo size to explode.

Library Reference

This is the programming library reference (currently only for the NANDRAD data model library), generated with Doxygen. It can be updated by running doxygen in the libraries doc directory.

(If you miss information in the API docs, feel free to add that directly in the source code).